This week has been one of both – Mists and Gardens In The Rain. I have been spoiled!
On Monday I woke just before dawn to a lake of mist lying in the fields beyond our house – then the rains came and the garden grew almost tropical overnight. But the rain has persisted and put a chill back into the day and now I am ready for the sun.
I will miss the flowering of the apple, clematis, wisteria, what is probably the loveliest time in my garden (as John keeps reminding me) but I’m more than willing to swap for endless days of sun, the roof terrace, the cafes of Agde and most of all the time to write. For the last few weeks I have been holding off, reining myself in, just waiting to make my escape.
I love France. I feel at home there, it calls to me from another life and somehow it always reminds me of Somerset and the West Country.

At the launch of Knives last week Wendy and I discussed the desire to escape which is a theme often expressed in her writing. I think perhaps that all writers long to escape – that all writers want to find time and space away from the everyday in which to work creatively. I say this as a writer who often works at the downstairs table while life goes on around me, as one not precious about silence or solitutude. I do believe having a space of one’s own is an essential marker of intent, but I love working alongside my son David who works from home in his newly established internet business. Our days together are companionable and fun and I will miss him.
But getting away is different. New places and new people equal new inspiration. Domesticity flies out of the window and creativity flies in – all those hours in which to write, to talk about writing, to wander along the canal du midi and think about the writing, to read, and to soak up everything France has to offer…including Debora’s (recipe here) french onion tart- ummm…
But what to take? Suddenly I find I want to take everything and there just isn’t room so I am about to unpack what I’ve already packed and see what I can do without.
Things I cannot do without include: laptop, notebooks, pencil cases, camera, watercolour paints, sketchbooks, books , i pod, hairdryer, towel, extension lead …HELP – what about the clothes, shoes and toiletries…ah well I’m not complaining it’s the kind of problem I’m totally up for solving – France here I come!
Not long now
I’m so happy that you’re doing what you want to with your life. Hope the writing goes well in France. Will you still be blogging?
Steve x
Thank you Steve- It’s great to hear from you – yes I will be blogging- try and stop me! It’s the only form of writng I know where you just click publish and there it is! No agents, publishers, nobody to say NO.
However no internet connection in the house so it may be somewhat sporadic
Avril x
Hi Avril
I can’t believe we won’t manage internet connection, so you -and I – and Debora of http://www.loveandalickedspoon.com will be logging on… I told Grahame about it and he said with there be blog wars?
Forgot to say – nice to see webmaster David in your story.
Warm in Agde. 73 Degrees in Agde n Saturday. I checked!
For instant publishing have you tried Twitter? Have a look at http://twitter.com/midnightstories – complete novels in 140 characters!
A recent one was kind of appropriate –
“I despair when the muse leaves me, but you are a caffeine-powered angel that speaks softly in my ear, saying “write, don’t wait.” So I do.”
Steve x
My list is very similar to yours, except mine includes knives! Shall I take the 8cm paring knife or the 9cm one? The German chef’s knife or the Japanese? So many difficult decisions….
You’ll be here this time tomorrow.
Dad just told me your going to France! J’ai beaucoup de l’envie. J’aurais adoré de venir! Haha. J’apprende la langue pour mes “a levels” (haha – désolée – je suppose que je pût écrire “mes examens”). Donc, excusez mes erreurs et le manque des accents (je ne suis pas sur en ce qui concerne the erm, keyboard shortcuts haha), svp :)
J’éspere que vous (et Wendy!) avez les bon temps, et la bonne chance en trouvant d’inspiration (je ne sais pas que l’inspiration est le mot, franglais peut-etre). Prennez beaucoup des photos, puis que dad peut(puisse?) me montre :) Je suivrai votre blog, au moins d’une fois par semaine, si j’ai les occasions. J’attende avec l’impatience pour son blog(?) prochain! Avoir les bon temps en France!
Vicki xx (Tony’s daughter)
Hi Vicki
I’m so impressed with your French – unfortunately mine is not quite up to your standard but Debora (Wendy’s dauhgter who is here with us now) translated for me.
I love that you are following the blog – at last we have got Wifi connection in the local Maison de Savoir so now I should be blogging regularly.
I wish you good luck for your exams but don’t think you will need it – you are too clever to need luck – you must get it from your Mum!
I will take lots of photos. The place is definitely inspiring as you will see from the blog
Avril xx
France: Baudalaire, chanson, Jacque Brel and a myriad other treasures from the last proto left leaning republic, I am a suitable shade of Green, enjoy.
A myriad of treasures indeed.- I am enjoying them all -please don’t go too green. How is the new novel ?
A x
Standard picture of internet buisness owner who doesn’t need to wear a suit or by the looks of things even have a shower before work! Bed head for the win! You can’t buy that kind of style.
For anyone reading the blog I expect to be emailed updates from France for me to add so watch this space.
Please keep reading and leaving comments!
Hi Great to read about you deciding what to take- so real. Good to see your son. I hope he has inherited your writing ability. Certainly seems to hving just read his account. To get away from ‘it all’. is wonderful for a writer. Cheers Mary x
Hi Mary
At last we have wifi connection so the blogs will keep coming thick and fast now- like the writing in Easington I hope. Trust the interviews are going well – Wendy and I have been thinking about you all and talking a lot about the project.
After all the packing traumas I seem to have taken all the wrong clothes but not to worry the French markets are great for cotton shirts !
A x
A x