
Inspiration and Collaboration

Since the RoomToWrite weekend I’ve done lots more work on the edit of my Danny Beck P.I. novel and am getting close to the end!  The weekend definitely helped to inspire me in this task.

In the meantime I have also been helped along by some lovely comments from recent readers of The Sweet Track – especially from Becky (who I hope to meet in London this weekend) who said, ‘best thing I’ve read in ages.’ How nice is that? I also loved it when Judith at the RoomToWrite weekend told me that The Sweet Track was well borrowed from Darlington library. This means a lot to me as I believe so much in the value and power of libraries -the local library was very important to me when I was growing up.

Seeing my poetry etched in glass by my artist sister-in-law Jan has also been an inspiration. I was very touched when she sent me the image below. It’s an early attempt apparently, I gather there will be many refinements but I thought it was amazing!


In The Field of Cows

When you’d gone I thought of how

the grass at the field’s edge lay

untouched high as sheep’s wool rags

on the barbed wire clots that

snag at the muscle heart…

I thought of how all the long summer

I watched you from the wide bay

of my distance, the delicacy of mouth

your tail’s swing and flick like a whip

the dense freight of your body bowed

shifting to kneel and rest your chin

under fingers of beech

your breath hay sweet, tasting of buttercup

a copper scarf around your neck,

dun brown jacket, standing patient still to

the battle drone of the approaching helicopter

above the wall of the cemetery

grey shadow in the dusk

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  1. Hi Avril, well, I am touched that you’ve put my work on show, even though, as you said, it is an ‘early draft’. I hope to do much more very soon. For some time now, as you know, I’ve been trying to find a way to add text to my work, and when you sent me some of your poetry I knew I’d found exactly what I’d been searching for.

    Your use of language conjours up such vivid images in my mind it sometimes takes my breath away and I have to re-read bits in order to savour every word. You writing is beautiful and profound and I am so happy that you agreed to let me use it in my work. It has given me a sense of motivation I’ve not felt for some time and I’m really excited about what will develop. Much love x

  2. Girl, you can write poetry. this one will resonate with me long after reading it.

    I love poetry and think it’s sadly forgotten in the writing world and blog world as well. I smile to see it here, too. I dabble in it between essay writing, tending my 4 children and cooking chocolate chip waffles.

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