
In The Field of Cows 2

Not quite my field or cows - unfortunately my camera is broken.

Last autumn I wrote a poem In The Field of Cows, about loss and the ‘disappearance’ of  the beautiful cows I’d watched all summer in the field opposite my house. Later, Jan, my sister-in-law, who is an artist, etched some of the words in glass.

Four days ago the cows came back! As beautiful and new as ever, and  as well as indulging my new found passion for crime fiction I am writing about them again – here is my poem in progress…

In The Field of Cows 2

You come back, surprise me

-velvet black, copper, grey-ghost

water stained stones-

show me the sky of

billowy cloud, trees turned

beech, salmon pink and lime

leap across lady’s smock

head nuzzle, tail flick you huddle

a troupe not yet separate you

swagger and play, remind me what it is

to jump the moon, seize the day

in praise of summers to come

oblivious to the wind tarnished

blossom yesterday blown

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  1. I’m so pleased the cows are back mum! I was sad when they left. I hope the blue one has come back, he was my favourite. I can’t wait to come home and say hello to them all. Perhaps we shall name them this year? xx Kate

    1. Yes, it was such a good surprise to see them, blue one is back and today I bought a new camera so will be able to post a picture soon XXX

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