Hi Everyone – for some crazy reason we decided to get all the old wallpaper removed from our downstairs rooms and have them re-plastered and painted. What possessed us I do not know and now we are knee deep in cleaning up and most of our furniture etc is stored in the small conservatory! The ceilings and walls still have to be painted. There was a time when we would have done all the work ourselves but at least those days are over.
I’ve reaffirmed that I’m definitely not made for this kind of disruption – but thankfully I have my study in which to escape and in which to plan the launch of this One Wild Place – firstly live at the Weardale WordFest Fri October 22nd 7pm and secondly the Linen Press launch online on Wednesday 27th 7pm – (more details plus link to the online launch will be posted here within the next few days). I’d love to see you at either!
The WordFest has a great programme of talks, discussions and workshops, so do join us if you can. I will be there throughout and all events are free. Below is a taste of Friday’s programme -click here for the rest of the weekend