1. On ‘writing is not meant to be a struggle’. Pray god if only. But then, it comes down to each of us. For me, when I get the time, writing is a universal constant against which, one can measure the complexeity and change of mood, emotions and feelings as I write, against the un-changing task of writing. I did once spend some time trying to iron myself out, and change my perception of writing. I only ended up being less productive and becoming more intent on making sure that I felt one step away from enlightenment each time before I began to write. So now, I just take the rumbustuous din with the adazzle, soaring with the eagles, or clamouring around like a bear with a sore head, I just write. And on you wonderful weekly missives, ‘who is a writer’, I say, one is what one does!

    1. Thanks Warren – you’re so right – the only thing to do is keep on writing regardless – for me it is the constant without which I’d probably allow mood and feeling to overtake evrything else – we are indeed what we do – A

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