What better way to spend Sunday than on the roof terrace reading the Sunday papers – Duck Island meltdown and Bob Dylan – his most revealing interview – when did Bob Dylan ever reveal anything he didn’t want you to know ? – Still it was worth the read and I of course I needed to catch up on the latest in sleaze.
I enjoyed my chocolate lolly too.
After the papers I got down to some writing – not easy on a laptop in the sun, despite umbrella. Any tips please for using a laptop out of doors?
On Sunday I left Beck driving west out of Newcastle towards Weardale on his way to meet a cop he knows, to help identify a body dumped on the roadside – 34,000 words (38,000 now!) Then before retiring to the cool of the kitchen I had a quick blast of the man with the golden voice -Leonard Cohen – another poet like Dylan.
So many brilliant lines – my favourite from Sunday – And I can’t forget, and I can’t forget, and I can’t forget but I don’t remember when… (or was it ‘what’? can’t remember)
Let me know your favourite – or maybe you don’t like Leonard – so favourite other lyric -ANY – I’m easy.
To round off a perfect day I took a cycle ride.
You will be pleased to know I have not abandoned la bicyclette pink despite both the chain and me falling off on my very first ride. I’m feeling more confident now and I especially love cycling the small back roads between the meadows of corn and poppies.

The early evening light here lays itself across the land like silver, so that you could be forgiven for thinking that a dew had fallen or a mist had risen above the corn.

Whatever time of day on the canal, light sparkles up at you from the water, and down through the trees, like a crystal confetti.
I don’t ever remember being in so much light for such a sustained period, apart from my travels in India, and that was a long time ago now.
Hi Avril, Am keeping up with your adventures in France, I am going to look at a map to see exactly where you are Mary x
Hi Mary
hope all is well with the writers in Easington – I’m sure you will be cooking up some great stuff – as you have probably gathered wriitng is going very well now for Wendy and myself. Time away to write is definitely the key!
A x
And the light gets into your soul somehow,,…
The picture of the canal in the morning is stunning, I think you have another talent other than writing. The beguiling silver mists on the lake remind me of the Silverfish I have been drawing in the studio, although they lack the sheen of the water in your photograph. A favourite song lyric …. what a lovely request!
After much consideration I would have to say my favourite song lyric belongs to The Enemy: “You’re not alone and you know, you’re not alone and you know, you’re not alone at all”
Simple, but I find comfort in being reminded that eeryone has someone. I reccomend a listen to the song on you tube, they sing/shout the lyric with such insistence that you simply have to believe them. More posts soon please,
Kate x
Love your lyric (will listen when I get a chance) and know I would love the silver fish too. Keep drawing Katie – you are an inspiration!
A x
Katie your lyrics are wrong. It’s “Your not alone you know, your not alone you know, your not alone you knowwwwwwww”
Better lyrics by the Enemy
“I’m so sick, sick, sick and tired
Of working just to be retired
I don’t want to get that far
I don’t want your company car
Promotions aint my thing
Name badges are not interesting
It’s much easier for me see
To stay at home with Richard and Judy”
Reading your comment Dave and your choice of lyrics makes me realise just how much the words we like say about us – and I can see exactly why these words from the Enemy speak to you
A x
How did I miss that amazing photograph of the canal? Katie is right. You have (yet ) anothe talent as well as writing.
i shall steal your image as inspiration for my new chapter. i shall pretend it’s the river Herault and the year is 393 AD
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Wonderful post.